In this article, we have posted the PSYCHO Lyrics by Neetesh Jung Kunwar. Before presenting the lyrics, here are some informations about this song and the singer.
Neetesh Jung Kunwar is a popular singer of Nepal. Also, Neetesh is a composer, songwriter, guitarist. He was born on May 26, 1994, at Lalitpur Nepal.
Nepalese young singer Neetesh Jung Kunwar mainly features his music on YouTube.
The song was released on Youtube on 22 January, 2023 with the title of [Neetesh Jung Kunwar- PSYCHO(Lyric Video)].
Neetesh songs are very beautiful, touching and loving emotional songs. Psycho is a song that expresses the feelings of the mind.
This song sung by Nitesh Jung Kunwa has the lyrics of Nitesh Jung Kunwa and he also production and composition it.
The song mix and master by Mr.Brownie.
Physcho song released from Neetesh Jung Kunwar second official YouTube Channel NJK Vibe and this song of 4.23 minutes long viewe 5.4K views on YouTube within an hour of publication।
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