There is a mother who can take the place of everyone else but no one else can take her place Happy Mother’s Day!
For the world, you are a mother. To us you are the world.
I always pray to God, for you longevity, for you to always be with me. I love you more than my life
May your life be as happy as you brought into my life! Thanks mom for the best things in life
Happy Mother’s Day
Kasaile sodhyo aamaa ko ho?
Sahar le bhanyo: aama yasto gajal ho jo harek dil ma baschhin
taaraa le bhanyo: aama Maayaa ko taaraamanDal ho
Aakasha le bhanyo: aamaa ta dharti ma janmeko bhagwaan ko upahaar ho
Happy Mother’s day!
Maya garna kohi tapai sanga sikos
Maya baaDna kohi tapai sanga sikos
tapai mamata ko murti matra hoina
Sabai ko dil ko Tukraa ho
Tapai sadai yasari/nai malai maya gari rahanu